Buzz2Get Net Zero

Your Green Feedback tool

Give each of your stakeholders the opportunity to help and support your 2030 net zero carbon goals

Overcoming the challenge

Attenborough, Thunberg, Gates & Carney. The message is ringing loud and clear. Humanity needs to change how we function on a daily basis in order to fight the growing climate disaster.

The energy industry wears a majority of the flack for this, but in truth, it’s responsible for less than 30% of total emissions. The remainder is a mixture of the industrial titans; steel, cement, transport and fertiliser production to name a few.

At Buzz2Get, we have been able to utilise our existing technology and resources to create tools that support those industry titans in achieving their ambitious 2030 goals whilst encouraging each and every one of their stakehlders including you and I to be a part of the change that has to happen. 

How does it work?

Our Buzz2Get Net Zero tool makes it possible for businesses of all shapes and sizes to gather mass data including ideas, innovation & impact using their own assets. 

To start, we will provide you with an easy process to register each business asset and asset class which is then issued a highly unique code to act as a communication channel. This means that every customer, employee, contractor or a member of the public can then scan that code using their own smartphone camera and contribute at a granular level, whether that’s answering a simple question or providing your business with a fresh idea or a solution that will drive your thought process and innovation beyond the norm. 

The entire process is ultra simple and quick. The easy scan and ‘single-click’ approach will enable your Chief Sustainability Officer to not only say “We’re doing the right thing” but actually ‘do the right thing’ and monitor it locally, nationally, & globally whilst showing improvements as changes are implemented. 

Key Features

Quick and Easy Set Up

Our Buzz2Get Net Zero tool is really simple to run and the set up requires minimal effort or resources

Stand-alone Service

Our tool works independently of any IT systems making it risk-free and cost-neutral to run


Our codes can be personalised to collect data, show your current net zero progress or other initiatives to encourage stakeholder participation

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