Stock Audit Tool
Automate your Physical Stock Check using our QR code system
Want to complete your entire stock audit accurately in just a few seconds in order to save time and avoid having to tally and record data manually?
Our Stock Audit Tool enables new and used car dealerships to create operational efficiency and gain access to real-time inventory reports and insight; on hand data which is often required by many financiers.

How does our tool work?
Physical stock check is a task of great importance (and a requirement by many financiers). Manually tallying and recording data in the digital age doesn’t make sense, and could be enhanced through technology.
Our unique Stock Audit Tool allows any member of staff within the dealership to scan a code on the car, then move onto the next car, and so on, creating a fully audited trail of stock in just a single touch of a button. Each car is accounted for along with its exact location in less than 5 seconds.
By having your staff collect data electronically using wifi-enabled mobile device, you will gain access to real-time inventory reports and insight. Double data entry and human error will become a thing of the past as the speed and accuracy of this incremental change transform your dealership’s operational efficiency to another level.
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Key Benefits
Automated Data Entry
Capture data electronically and avoid having to manually tally up and record data
Real Time Vehicle Tracking
Keep a live track of your entire stock and its exact location in just a single touch of a button
Live Data Feed
Gain access to real-time inventory reports and insights
Key Features
Quick and Easy Set Up
Our approach is all about keeping it simple and easy to adopt. We can match our stock audit tool functionality to your specific requirements, and have it set up within a matter of days
Risk free trial
Our stock audit tool is NOT a DMS. It is an off the shelf cloud-based digital tool that requires no integration with the existing IT systems. We have developed it this way to ensure our trials are time-efficient to set up and cost-effective to roll-out
Simple Tool
We’ve put a lot of effort into making our tool clutter free and user-friendly. We want our clients to find it easy to switch to our stock audit tool and effortless to read our live data feeds & insight reports